Lingua italiana

nanDECK - What's new in version 1.11a


These four directives are used to input values during the deck validation, to be used as labels. For example, if you add these lines:

INPUTTEXT=alpha,"input a text","default"
INPUTCHOICE=beta,"choose a text","one","one|two|three|four"
INPUTLIST=gamma,"choose a text","one","one|two|three|four"
INPUTNUMBER=delta,"choose a number",5,1,10

In the validation process you'll see this form:

The confirmed values will be saved in a .ini file, so they can be the default the next time the script will be validated.

Added parameter for transparency and mirroring in RTFTEXT and RTFFILE directives

You can use three flag in RTFTEXT/RTFFILE directives (9th parameter), for H)orizontal, V)ertical mirroring and T)ransparency, for example:

[rtf]="{\rtf normal text\par{\b bold text}\par{\i italic text}\par{\ul underline text}\par"

This is the result:

Added parameter for Alpha-blending in RTFTEXT and RTFFILE directives

You can use a % for alpha-blending in RTFTEXT/RTFFILE directives (10th parameter), for example:

[rtf]="{\rtf normal text\par{\b bold text}\par{\i italic text}\par{\ul underline text}\par"

This is the result:

Added parameter for dot/dash pattern in LINE directive

You can use a string in LINE directive (8th parameter), for D)ashes, dO)ts or S)paces, for example:


This is the result:

Range pattern evaluation

With this syntax you can change a range sequence of cards, useful with COPYCARD directive, for example:


will be evaluated as:


New operator for integer division (£)

You can use this operator in the expression evaluator, for example "{10£3}" gives you a "3" as result.

Added option for testing linked files

With this option, the program reads only the first two lines of all linked files (the header and one line of data). Is located in the main window (top-right):

Added option for checking parenthesis

You can get a warning for mismatched parenthesis. In the config window:

Online new version check

You can get a warning (at program start) if there is a new version available. In the config window:

Fixed bug in expression evaluator

Fixed bug in line numbers

Fixed bug in ROUNDRECT

Fixed bug in CHROMAKEY

Fixed bug in CANVAS

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