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nanDECK - What's new in version 1.14c

New OVERSAMPLE directive

With this directive, the programs render the cards with an higher resolution (2x, 3x, and so on) and then resize the card to the original size.

This is an example:

ELLIPSE = 1, 0, 0, 100%, 100%, #FF0000, #FFFFFF, 0.5
FONT = Arial, 48, T, #000000
TEXT = 1, "A", 0, 0, 50%, 20%
TEXT = 1, "B", 50%, 0, 50%, 20%

The same, with OVERSAMPLE = 2:

The same, with OVERSAMPLE = 4:

New ENDLINK directive

This directive closes a LINK...ENDLINK definition.

For example:


[all] = "1-{(num)}"
FONT = Arial, 48, , #000000
TEXT = [all], [num], 0, 0, 100%, 50%
TEXT = [all], [string], 0, 50%, 100%, 50%


This function creates a range, using elements from a sequence. The syntax for this function is:

[name] = LABELRANGE(sequence, item, offset)

If you specify the optional item parameter, the range is created with only the cards matching the item parameter position (wildcards * and ? are accepted). If you don’t specify the item parameter, the default element from a sequence is considered “1”. The offset parameter, if specified, will be added to every card of the range.

For example:

[sequence] = 0|1|1|0|0|1
[label] = LABELRANGE([sequence])


[label] = "2,3,6"

The item parameter can also accept logical operators.

New parameters in BORDER directive for guidelines' offsets

Now the guides can be drawn with an offset between them and the border.

For example:

BORDER = RECTANGLE, #000000, 0.1, SOLID, #0000FF, 0, 1, 0.5

GAP = 0.5, 0.2, ON

FONT = Arial, 192, , #HHHHHH
TEXT = 1-9, {§}, 0, 0, 100%, 100%

The result is:

New parameters in ZOOM directive for vertical zoom

Now there is a 2nd parameter for the ZOOM directive, if the vertical zoom should be different from the horizontal one.

New flag in FONT directive for circular text

If you add the C flag to a FONT directive, the text will be wrote in a circular pattern. For example:

FONT = Arial, 24, TC, #000000
TEXT = 1, " nanDECK - Script your cards -", 0, 1.5, 6, 6

Fixed bug in IMAGE directive

Fixed bug in DUPLEX directive

Fixed bug in AUTORANGE function

Fixed bug in label definition

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