Lingua italiana

nanDECK - What's new in version 1.13b

New TRACK directive

This directive draws a racetrack section from a point (x1, y1) to another point (x2, y2); this is the directive' syntax:

TRACK = "range", x1, y1, x2, y2, track width, html color, num. lanes, num. spaces, flags, thickness, left factor, right factor, pattern


"range": a set of cards,

x1, y1: coordinates of first point (in cm),

x2, y2: coordinates of second point (in cm),

track width: width of the track (in cm),

html color: color of the track, in the same format used for HTML. You can also specify a gradient,

num. lanes: the number of the lanes that compose the track, the minimum is one.

num. spaces: the number of spaces long the track, the minimum is one.

flags: you can choose these flags:

S the track section is closed at the start
E the track section is closed at the end
H even lanes are drawn forward one half space
L the track is linked, using a line, to the last track drawn on the same card
C the track is linked, using a curve, to the last track drawn on the same card
R don't draw external right link
F don't draw external left link

thickness: thickness of the track's line (in cm), if omitted, the line is 1 pixel wide,

left factor: for curved link, this parameter set the width of the curve, for the left side of the track,

left factor: for curved link, this parameter set the width of the curve, for the right side of the track,

pattern: a pattern for the track's line, this pattern can be composed of:

O dot
D dash
S space

This is an example script:

cardsize = 20, 20
track = 1, 4, 2,16, 2, 3, #000000, 3, 10, SE , 0.05
track = 1,18, 4,18,16, 3, #000000, 3, 10, SEC, 0.05, 3, 0.5
track = 1,16,18, 4,18, 3, #000000, 3, 10, SEC, 0.05, 3, 0.5
track = 1, 2,16, 2, 4, 3, #000000, 3, 10, SEC, 0.05, 3, 0.5
track = 1, 4, 2,16, 2, 3, #000000, 3, 10, SEC, 0.05, 3, 0.5
save = 1, "test.bmp", 0, 0, 20, 20

And this is the result:

Another example:

cardsize = 20, 20
track = 1, 5, 3,17,15,3,#000000,3,10,SEH ,0.05
track = 1,16,18, 4,18,3,#000000,3,10,SEHC,0.05,3,0.5
track = 1, 2,16, 2, 4,3,#000000,3,10,SEHC,0.05,3,0.5
track = 1, 5, 3,17,15,3,#000000,3,10,SEHC,0.05,3,0.5
save = 1, "test.bmp", 0, 0, 20, 20

And this is the result:

New TRACKRECT directive

This directive uses the same syntax of TRACK directive, the only difference is tha the track section is drawn starting from a point (px, py) with width and height; this is the directive' syntax:

TRACKRECT = "range", px, py, width, height, track width, html color, num. lanes, num. spaces, flags, thickness, left factor, right factor, pattern

Fixed bug in module for "The Game Crafter" upload

Fixed bug in LINK directive

Fixed bug in PAGE directive

Fixed bug in ICONS directive

Fixed bug in Wizard for automatic layout

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